YCCA Shortlist — Et vildt marked

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“Et vildt marked” creates the idea of supporting biodiversity through real estate. What if you could help the Columbian wildlife one natural residential area at a time?
From a total of 187 cases, 35 projects are chosen to compete in the Young Creative Circle Awards 2023. We’re proud to announce that two of our brilliant designers, Laurits Hanak and Jonas Hjort, are shortlisted to compete in the Design category with their wild and clever idea of “Et vildt marked”.
In response to the brief by the Wild Nature Foundation, Laurits Hanak and Jonas Hjort fostered the idea of “A wild market” aiming to solve the biodiversity crisis in the Wild Campo reserve in Columbia. The specific task is closely tied together with Wild Nature Foundation’s dogma, What you love — you will protect, whereas the young creatives set on the quest to develop a concept and design that could encourage young Danes to buy a Wild-aktie — and by doing so, save and enable more areas of wild and diverse nature in the Wild Campo reserve.
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To answer the brief, Hanak and Hjort found inspiration from the symbols and visual language often used in the housing market. By tuning in on some of the real estate lingoes, they’ve shaped a humoristic identity for Wild-aktier. The centrepiece of the identity is the Wild-aktie house mark, with four arrows meeting in the shape of a tree. The arrows are the identity’s centrepiece, anchoring the otherwise abstract product in a concrete place. With a witty tone of voice, the identity is eye-catching and bold — a good fit for posters and campaigning at street level and on digital platforms.
Stay tuned. The winners will be announced on the 2nd of June.

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