Step inside Kontrapunkt Type

With a successful solo exhibition on bespoke type design at Japanese renowned Ginza Graphic Gallery (ggg) in Tokyo and the upcoming opening at kyoto ddd gallery, we are ready for the next chapter of the exhibition, Kontrapunkt Type.
We knew from the beginning we wanted to come as close to the physical exhibition as technology would possibly allow us.
Jacob Sørensen
Digital Designer at Kontrapunkt
With the current COVID-19 pandemic, people and countries are on lockdown. We hope a new virtual experience of the Kontrapunkt Type exhibition can bring some joy and entertainment in these times, all from the shelter of your own home. The all-embracing exhibition has solely come together because of the world-class skills within digital, type, spatial, motion and graphic design at Kontrapunkt. We are truly proud of everyone coming together (apart) on this exceptional project and are so pleased with the final result.
We hope you enjoy it too!
家にいながら展示を鑑賞できる、バーチャル展「Kontrapunkt Type」公開開始
デンマークの首都コペンハーゲンと東京の2拠点にオフィスを構えるデザイン・ブランディングエージェンシーであるわたしたちKontrapunktの展示会「Kontrapunkt Type」を、オンライン上にて公開いたします。
「実験的に様々な最先端のデジタルの技術を採用し、まるで実際の展示を見ているかのような感覚を再現しました」 – Kontrapunktデジタルデザイナー Jacob Sørensen
COVID-19の世界的な流行により、自宅で過ごす時間が長くなっている最近の日々がより有意義で充実感のある時間になるよう、また世界中どこからでも鑑賞して楽しんでいただけることを願っています。バーチャル展示「Kontrapunkt Type」は下記リンクにて公開中です。
kyoto ddd gallery will open its doors to Kontrapunkt Type from April 13. - June 13. (Postponed because of COVID-19)
at: kyoto ddd gallery
10 Uzumasakamikeibu-cho,
Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi 616-8533
A huge thanks to Ginza Graphic Gallery (ggg), kyoto ddd gallery and DNP for making these exhibitions happen. Also thanks to Developer Jacob Frederiksen and musician Astrid Engberg for their help with the Kontrapunkt Type website.